Thursday, July 9, 2009

Amazing Improvements can be seen in your health in as little as 5 days!
That goes for humans and pets!

My 10 year old cat Felicity was showing signs that something was terribly wrong. She was no longer able to jump up on the sofa to hang out with me in the evenings. She just wasn't herself. She layed around sleeping all the time with no energy. She was pitiful. She was walking slow and seemed like she was in a lot of pain. She wasn't jumping up on furniture anymore. In fact, her habits had changed entirely.

My husband and I took her to the vet. We learned two things. First, she had a urinary tract infection, secondly, the vet told us that she had a spinal defect that she had probably had since she was born. There was a dip in her spine. The vet told us that was the reason that her hind end was basically dragging the floor when she walked. Although I thought it would have been the urinary tract infection. It was strange that both of these events occurred at the same time. Our vet told us that her recent weight gain was at least partially responsible for the pain she was obviously feeling from the defect in her spine.

Felicity had gained several pounds since her last visit to the vet. In fact, one of my other cats, Sabrina had also gained weight. Significant amounts of weight. So at this point I had two overweight unhealthy cats. With access to many types of nutritional supplements I decided it was time to get my cats on a healthier nutrition program.

With a house full of 5 cats, two being overweight and unhealthy, one male cat that is going to become overweight if I don't do something now, and two cats that seem healthy with no weight problems at all.

Sabrina who is 7 years old, weighed in at 18.4 lbs. WOW! That is a FAT cat! I am sure she would be considered obese. Probably on her way to getting diabetes if she doesn't already. She seemed so unhealthy. She was the first one to the food bowl, and the last one to leave. Her hair kept getting matted so badly that I had to shave her hair completely off. She was just pitiful to look at.

Being a business owner of a nutritional supplement online store I felt that I really should be doing more for them. In fact, I felt guilty and ashamed that I had let them get into this condition. So now I am on a mission to get my cats healthy.

I had been feeding them high fat, high calorie food that is typical for most pet owners to feed their animals. It was easy and didn't cost much. Until you factor in the vet bills caused by unhealthy diets.

After only 2 months on their new regiment they are doing fantastic. I am completely amazed with the improvements!

Here is what I did to improve my pets health!

First, I changed their food to an overweight management formula. Then I started them on Vital Nutrition Plus. This supplement is Sooooooooo Amazing. I add a little powder to their food twice a day and they love it.

Vital Nutrition Plus is a blend of whole foods to supply you with the vitamins, minerals, amino-acids and trace elements that is often lacking in the Standard American Diet. There are no man-made synthetic ingredients in this product. A natural food supplement such as this is vital to any health program to ensure the nutrients needed to build and repair body functions are adequately present.

Vital Nutrition Plus is so powerful because it is a Raw Organic and Wild Harvested Nutritional Whole Food Concentrate from Plants. You cannot find a more nutritionally sound supplement than VNP. This product was giving them all the nutrition they needed to get well. It was amazing for me to witness them grow healthier day by day. It was really exciting. I knew what improvements I had felt for myself after taking Vital Nutrition Plus, but to visually notice huge improvements in my cats health was astonishing!

I also needed to start them on a supplement for their bones and joints. It was very evident they were experiencing pain. Felicity was experiencing pain from her spine defect and Sabrina had difficulty walking. I felt like she was probably having signs and symptoms of not only being overweight but from arthritis. That much weight on her joints was just too painful.

There was no doubt in my mind that my cats also needed a supplement called Ezorb Calcium. Ezorb Calcium can help with all types of bone, joint and muscle disorders. Whether you suffer from arthritis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia or bone spurs, Ezorb Calcium can help. It is truly an amazing supplement for joint, bone and muscle support. Each cat gets one Ezorb Calcium capsule twice daily mixed with food. They won't even detect it.

They had been getting these supplements for about a month before I started noticing improvements. It was very subtle at first. Then within the next 30 days it became very apparent that Sabrina and Felicity were both losing weight and they both walk like they have no joint or bone pain at all. They have more energy and they are shedding less hair than ever before.

Felicity now jumps up on the sofa to cuddle with me like she use to and seems to have no pain at all running and jumping.

When the vet told me she had a spine defect I really thought that she was going to live the rest of her life in pain, walking with a limp. I cannot express how grateful I am that I found such an incredible supplement like Vital Nutrition Plus. It is Raw, Organic and Wild Harvested.

I really feel good about everything I am doing for my furry babies. They all act and look healthier than ever before.

The ingredients in the Vital Nutrition Plus are the best on the market. I have personally taken other green products in the past without any improvements in health at all. In fact, I took a product called Greens Plus for over two years with no noticeable improvements.

Everyone in my house takes Ezorb Calcium and Vital Nutrition Plus. We have all gained huge health benefits. All my cats are saying is meeeeeeooooooooooooooww. But I know what they are really thinking. Thanks Mommie, I feel so much better. Sabrina seems like she has a new attitude, and I can tell she feels so much better. She gets up with greater ease and moves faster than ever. Felicity is back to her usual ways, being feisty and managing the other cats. She is the eldest cat, and around here she is the Queen. All of my cats now seem like they just feel better, they are more playful, more loving and loving life as a cat.

Read more about Ezorb Calcium and Vital Nutrition Plus.
If you have question call me toll free at 1-800-330-3932.
I am available Mon-Fri, 8:30 to 4:30 CST.

Nutritional Supplements to Complement Your Lifestyle
Stay Safe, Well and Happy
Warmest Regards,
Tanya M Beck
Advanced Alternatives Center
PH: 205-664-4222 Toll Free: 1-800-330-3932
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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Urgent Health News! Are you taking a prescribed drug called Lantus for diabetes?

Artificial insulin product Lantus may increase the risk of several types of cancer. FDA scientists reviewed
four studies ...three of which demonstrated a link between Lantus and cancer. A German study found a possible 31% increased cancer risk for diabetics using Lantus. A Swedish study showed that patients taking Lantus faced double the risk for breast cancer.

While scientists are calling for further investigation, the FDA is doing nothing to safeguard your health.

What can you do to protect yourself?

Ask your doctor to consider a safer alternative. Natural insulin has been used for decades with no evidence of increased risk of cancer.

For anyone ready to take a more natural approach to managing your blood sugar, check out this page. Many of our customers experience fantastic benefits from taking nutritional supplements to normalize glucose.

Nutritional Supplements to Complement Your Lifestyle
Stay Safe, Well and Happy
Warmest Regards,
Tanya M Beck
Advanced Alternatives Center
PH: 205-664-4222 Toll Free: 1-800-330-3932