Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What to do if you are forced to take the Swin Flu vaccine
Learn The Real Truth About What is in The H1N1 Vaccine,
and why you should be worried

On this page is 4 videos that I urge you to view. Your good health depends on it. Dr Joseph Mercola, a highly respected board-certified family physician who is also a DO (Osteopathic Physician) interviews Dr Russell Blaylock, a retired pediatric neurologist who shares with us the facts about the seasonal flu vaccine, and sets the record straight about the true "dangers" of the swine flu.

You will be HORRIFIED when you hear what he has to say.

Once you have viewed the videos, we have provided links to resources from top experts, make up your mind whether to be vaccinated or not. I think after you have watched this video and followed the links below, the answer will be clear.

If you should decide that you and your family will be vaccinated for the H1N1 flu, please follow Dr Blaylock's Number One suggestions on How to Reduce the Toxic Effects.

Dr Russell Blaylock's Number One Recommendation

Bring a cold pack with you and place it on the site of the injection as soon as you can, as this will block the immune reaction. Once you get home, continue using a cold pack throughout the day. If you continue to have immune reactions the following day, have cold showers and continue with the cold press.

Resources to follow Dr Russell Blaylocks Recommendations
  1. High Dose Vitamin D

  2. Magnesium

  3. High Dose Fish Oil

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Osteoporosis, simple suggestions to build strong bones

How to get Strong Healthy Bones

What you eat affects your bones

What you eat has a major influence on your health. That principle is so simple and so logical that it is surprising the medical profession has had such a difficult time grasping it. The average doctor, despite having taken the Hippocratic oath, rejects the famous words proclaimed by Hippocrates: "Let your food be your medicine and let your medicine be your food."

Dr Jonathan V Wright, M.D, author of "Preventing & Reversing Osteoporosis" had this to say in his book, "A theme that keeps recurring in nutritional medicine is that degenerative diseases are caused, at least in part, by our modern diet, which contains too much sugar, fat, salt, refined flour, caffeine, alcohol, processed foods, and food additives. I routinely advise my patients, regardless of their specific medical problems, to try to clean up" their diet; that is, reduce their consumption of these junk foods" and to increase their intake of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, beans, and other unprocessed foods. The majority of people who follow that advice find that their health improves in some way. Many individuals report an increase in energy, less depression and anxiety, fewer headaches, better bowel and bladder function, and less fluid retention. They often sleep better, their joints do not hurt as much, and they are more alert and productive. Laboratory reports, such as serum cholesterol, triglycerides, liver enzymes, and uric acid also improve in many cases." The problem with the foods listed above is they rob your bones of calcium.
He also goes on to say, Considering that bone is a living tissue, just like the rest of your body, it is likely that what you put into your mouth will determine in part how strong your bones will be. Many people believe that, aside from it's calcium content, diet has little to do with osteoporosis. However, that assumption ignores the fact that bone tissue has diverse nutritional needs and engages in complex interactions with the rest of the body." Factors that may lead to Osteoporosis.

  • Decline in hormone production
    The fact that osteoporosis is far more common in women than men and that bone loss accelerates after menopause suggests that an age-related decline in female sex hormones plays an important role in the development of osteoporosis. This concept is supported by the observation that women whose ovaries have been surgically removed lose bone at an unusually rapid rate for about four to six years.

  • Malabsorption of Nutrients
    Due to our modern diets, many people suffer from digestive disorders, if you are not digesting and absorbing the nutrients from your food, you may not be getting the calcium you need. A highly superior
    probiotic can help with digestion problems. I take Extreme Health Probiotics with 120 Billion Microorganisms and 12 species, this formula works in both the small and large intestine to maintain a healthy balance of good flora, supports a healthy urinary tract, maintains normal bowel function, and promotes healthy skin. Support your digestive system by restoring the nutrients that are destroyed by antibiotics, stress, diet, and today's hectic lifestyle. Click here to learn why you should consider taking a good probiotic. The reasons are vast.

  • Acidic/Alkaline Balance A Crucial Overlooked Factor
    An acidic body is our enemy. Many health conditions thrive in this environment. pH or Potential Hydrogen refers to the acid alkaline nature of chemicals. Our bodies function best in an alkaline state with a pH just above 7.0. An acidic body can cause a loss of calcium and damage bones. Many processed foods are acid producing that rob your bones of calcium. We will talk more about this important aspect of our health in future emails.

  • Other causes of Osteoporosis
    Osteoporosis can also occur in association with a number of endocrine conditions, including diabetes, thyrotoxicosis (overactive thyroid gland), Cushing's Syndrome (excessive secretion of adrenal hormones), and hyperparathyroidism (excessive secretion of parathy). Rheumatoid arthritis and chronic lung disease are also associated with an increased risk of osteoporosis. Certain prescription drugs may increase the likelihood of developing bone loss, these include adrenal corticosteroids (cortisone like drugs), anticonvulsants, anticoagulants, aluminum containing antacids, some cancer chemotherapy medications.

What are some ways that I can improve my bone density?

If you are looking for ways to improve your bone health, any or all of the suggestions below can help you improve the health of your bones and your entire system. Pick one thing you can do to improve your health, then build upon it, or if you are like me, when I decide to do something, I do it all! Try all of them and begin to see amazing improvements in health quickly.

At Advanced Alternatives Center we promote an all-natural approach to bone regeneration and repair that includes nutritional supplements, diet and exercise. You will find that each small life-supporting change builds on the others to help you build bone strength the way nature intended.

  • Walk 15 minutes twice a day
  • Include 1 cup of vegetables with every lunch
  • Eliminate or reduce your coffee intake
  • Eliminate or reduce carbonated beverages
  • Start drinking green tea as an alternative beverage. Not processed green tea from grocery stores, they have limited amounts of green tea and not much nutrition value. Most of them contain unhealthy sweeteners. An organic green tea can provide powerful antioxidant properties and valuable health benefits.
  • Consider yoga several times weekly, not only does it improve your balance and flexibility helping you to avoid falls, but it can help relieve stress and increase positive feelings making you feel more balanced and less stressed. Yoga offers fantastic health benefits both emotionally and physically.
  • Consider weight-bearing exercise, using even a small 2, 3 or 5 lb hand weight can significantly improve the health of your bones.
  • Get some daily sunshine for vitamin D: Many people use sunscreens daily over concerns about too much sun exposure causing skin cancer, there are also health risks associated with not getting enough sunshine. As with everything, it is a fine balance. If you do not get enough Vitamin D from sunshine, consider taking a Vitamin D Supplement. Most healthcare experts are now recommending 5000 IU daily.
  • Think Green, Dark Leafy Green: Many leafy green vegetables are not only excellent sources of calcium, they also contain many other vitamins and minerals needed to support calcium absorption and utilization. Leafy greens that are especially rich sources of calcium and other nutrients include collard leaves, kale, turnip greens and dandelion greens.
  • Consider taking Strontium: Strontium, element number 38 on the periodic table is one of the most abundant elements on the earth and has an affinity for bone tissue, tending to migrate to sites in bone where active remodeling is taking place. Studies show that strontium positively affects bone metabolism to promote bone formation and decrease bone resorption, leading to normalized bone density. It is important to also take adequate amounts of calcium when taking Strontium. Do not take Strontium and calcium at the same time as these minerals may compete with each other for absorption. Strontium can be taken with or without food.

Foods to Consider Avoiding

  • Protein intake should be moderate
  • Hydrogenated oils such as stick margarine, and when listed as an ingredient in foods
  • Heavily processed foods (processing may destroy important nutrients)
  • Sugar (a major bone robber) I consider sugar my personal enemy
  • Chocolate
  • Soft Drinks ( they contain excessive amounts of phosphorus, not to mention too much sugar and caffeine in most cases), inhibits calcium absorption
  • Caffeine (increases rate of calcium loss through the urine)

It's best to get calcium through foods. But if you already have Osteoporosis or Osteopenia that may be an indication that your body is either not getting enough calcium or you may not be absorbing the calcium that you are taking in. In this case, you might consider taking a calcium supplement such as Ezorb Calcium which is a highly absorbable form of calcium. Ezorb Calcium absorbs at a whopping 92%. Making sure that the calcium you are taking is actually getting absorbed into your body. Ezorb Calcium is excellent for bone, joint and muscle disorders. We have seen customers significantly increase bone density, reduce or completely eliminate pain due to bone spurs, fibromyalgia, arthritis, chronic bone, joint and muscle/nerve pain.

My Story

I have personally been taking Ezorb Calcium for about three years. I believe my series of declining health problems are related to having a hysterectomy at an early age. I began having bone, joint and muscle pain in my early 30's. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, then in my mid 30's was diagnosed with Osteoporosis (already in the fracture zone), and in my early 40's was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis. The pain was intense throughout my entire body. I learned about Ezorb Calcium from my alternative healthcare doctor. After taking the First 3-Month Daily Dosage I finally began seeing improvements in my health. The pain lessened, the swelling in my joints lessened and the muscle pain from fibromyalgia was finally subsiding. I could finally get outside and work in my garden without suffering from pain for three days. I absolutely just could not be without my Ezorb Calcium, it has truly enriched my life and allowed me to continue an active lifestyle and do the things I love to do. Tanya M Beck

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Amazing Improvements can be seen in your health in as little as 5 days!
That goes for humans and pets!

My 10 year old cat Felicity was showing signs that something was terribly wrong. She was no longer able to jump up on the sofa to hang out with me in the evenings. She just wasn't herself. She layed around sleeping all the time with no energy. She was pitiful. She was walking slow and seemed like she was in a lot of pain. She wasn't jumping up on furniture anymore. In fact, her habits had changed entirely.

My husband and I took her to the vet. We learned two things. First, she had a urinary tract infection, secondly, the vet told us that she had a spinal defect that she had probably had since she was born. There was a dip in her spine. The vet told us that was the reason that her hind end was basically dragging the floor when she walked. Although I thought it would have been the urinary tract infection. It was strange that both of these events occurred at the same time. Our vet told us that her recent weight gain was at least partially responsible for the pain she was obviously feeling from the defect in her spine.

Felicity had gained several pounds since her last visit to the vet. In fact, one of my other cats, Sabrina had also gained weight. Significant amounts of weight. So at this point I had two overweight unhealthy cats. With access to many types of nutritional supplements I decided it was time to get my cats on a healthier nutrition program.

With a house full of 5 cats, two being overweight and unhealthy, one male cat that is going to become overweight if I don't do something now, and two cats that seem healthy with no weight problems at all.

Sabrina who is 7 years old, weighed in at 18.4 lbs. WOW! That is a FAT cat! I am sure she would be considered obese. Probably on her way to getting diabetes if she doesn't already. She seemed so unhealthy. She was the first one to the food bowl, and the last one to leave. Her hair kept getting matted so badly that I had to shave her hair completely off. She was just pitiful to look at.

Being a business owner of a nutritional supplement online store I felt that I really should be doing more for them. In fact, I felt guilty and ashamed that I had let them get into this condition. So now I am on a mission to get my cats healthy.

I had been feeding them high fat, high calorie food that is typical for most pet owners to feed their animals. It was easy and didn't cost much. Until you factor in the vet bills caused by unhealthy diets.

After only 2 months on their new regiment they are doing fantastic. I am completely amazed with the improvements!

Here is what I did to improve my pets health!

First, I changed their food to an overweight management formula. Then I started them on Vital Nutrition Plus. This supplement is Sooooooooo Amazing. I add a little powder to their food twice a day and they love it.

Vital Nutrition Plus is a blend of whole foods to supply you with the vitamins, minerals, amino-acids and trace elements that is often lacking in the Standard American Diet. There are no man-made synthetic ingredients in this product. A natural food supplement such as this is vital to any health program to ensure the nutrients needed to build and repair body functions are adequately present.

Vital Nutrition Plus is so powerful because it is a Raw Organic and Wild Harvested Nutritional Whole Food Concentrate from Plants. You cannot find a more nutritionally sound supplement than VNP. This product was giving them all the nutrition they needed to get well. It was amazing for me to witness them grow healthier day by day. It was really exciting. I knew what improvements I had felt for myself after taking Vital Nutrition Plus, but to visually notice huge improvements in my cats health was astonishing!

I also needed to start them on a supplement for their bones and joints. It was very evident they were experiencing pain. Felicity was experiencing pain from her spine defect and Sabrina had difficulty walking. I felt like she was probably having signs and symptoms of not only being overweight but from arthritis. That much weight on her joints was just too painful.

There was no doubt in my mind that my cats also needed a supplement called Ezorb Calcium. Ezorb Calcium can help with all types of bone, joint and muscle disorders. Whether you suffer from arthritis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia or bone spurs, Ezorb Calcium can help. It is truly an amazing supplement for joint, bone and muscle support. Each cat gets one Ezorb Calcium capsule twice daily mixed with food. They won't even detect it.

They had been getting these supplements for about a month before I started noticing improvements. It was very subtle at first. Then within the next 30 days it became very apparent that Sabrina and Felicity were both losing weight and they both walk like they have no joint or bone pain at all. They have more energy and they are shedding less hair than ever before.

Felicity now jumps up on the sofa to cuddle with me like she use to and seems to have no pain at all running and jumping.

When the vet told me she had a spine defect I really thought that she was going to live the rest of her life in pain, walking with a limp. I cannot express how grateful I am that I found such an incredible supplement like Vital Nutrition Plus. It is Raw, Organic and Wild Harvested.

I really feel good about everything I am doing for my furry babies. They all act and look healthier than ever before.

The ingredients in the Vital Nutrition Plus are the best on the market. I have personally taken other green products in the past without any improvements in health at all. In fact, I took a product called Greens Plus for over two years with no noticeable improvements.

Everyone in my house takes Ezorb Calcium and Vital Nutrition Plus. We have all gained huge health benefits. All my cats are saying is meeeeeeooooooooooooooww. But I know what they are really thinking. Thanks Mommie, I feel so much better. Sabrina seems like she has a new attitude, and I can tell she feels so much better. She gets up with greater ease and moves faster than ever. Felicity is back to her usual ways, being feisty and managing the other cats. She is the eldest cat, and around here she is the Queen. All of my cats now seem like they just feel better, they are more playful, more loving and loving life as a cat.

Read more about Ezorb Calcium and Vital Nutrition Plus.
If you have question call me toll free at 1-800-330-3932.
I am available Mon-Fri, 8:30 to 4:30 CST.

Nutritional Supplements to Complement Your Lifestyle
Stay Safe, Well and Happy
Warmest Regards,
Tanya M Beck
Advanced Alternatives Center
PH: 205-664-4222 Toll Free: 1-800-330-3932
I Love To Tweet !!! <<<

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Urgent Health News! Are you taking a prescribed drug called Lantus for diabetes?

Artificial insulin product Lantus may increase the risk of several types of cancer. FDA scientists reviewed
four studies ...three of which demonstrated a link between Lantus and cancer. A German study found a possible 31% increased cancer risk for diabetics using Lantus. A Swedish study showed that patients taking Lantus faced double the risk for breast cancer.

While scientists are calling for further investigation, the FDA is doing nothing to safeguard your health.

What can you do to protect yourself?

Ask your doctor to consider a safer alternative. Natural insulin has been used for decades with no evidence of increased risk of cancer.

For anyone ready to take a more natural approach to managing your blood sugar, check out this page. Many of our customers experience fantastic benefits from taking nutritional supplements to normalize glucose.

Nutritional Supplements to Complement Your Lifestyle
Stay Safe, Well and Happy
Warmest Regards,
Tanya M Beck
Advanced Alternatives Center
PH: 205-664-4222 Toll Free: 1-800-330-3932

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Dear Skin Cap / Blue Cap Customers,

First of all, I would like to take a moment to say a very sincere, “THANK YOU” to all of you, our loyal customers and friends! We at Advanced Alternatives Center have been serving you for many years and so appreciate the experience of building the relationships we have with our many customers.

As we work through these difficult economic times we have decided to reevaluate our already low prices and to design new and even more valuable product specials.

We have actually LOWERED our PRICES to benefit you!

Please take a moment to visit Advanced Alternatives Center today and review the NEW and LESS EXPENSIVE Skin Cap / Blue Cap specials that we now offer.


Tanya and David

Blue Cap:
Skin cap:

Monday, June 22, 2009

Detoxification Tips!

Environmental toxins such as lead, mercury and dioxin are serious hazards to human health. Fortunately, there are ways to both minimize your exposure to and lower the quantity of toxins in your body.

Think you are safe from toxins like lead, mercury and dioxin? Think again. It is all around you just waiting to enter your body and cause life threatening disease.

I want to share my personal true story about lead toxicity,
Feb 09,

I felt tired all the time, even if I hadn't done anything strenuous that day. I experienced unexplainable pain in my ribcage all the way around my body deep in my bones, the numbness and tingling in my arms, hands and legs were signs that something very serious was going on. Possibly lack of blood flow? The mood swings were horrendous. There were days that my mind was so foggy that I just couldn't think. I knew something was going on, but no one could find anything medically wrong that could be causing the myriad of symptoms that continued to plague me every single day. I knew that I needed to find a different doctor, something was wrong. At this point, I was almost afraid to find out what was going on. When I finally came across the right doctor, my questions had been answered.

I was suffering from lead toxicity! Unbelievable! Where in the world did I get that? In fact, the lead exposure was so high it was off the charts.

Finally, I knew what was happening to my body. I had enough knowledge to fight the problem now. It was time to rid my body of those dangerous toxins.

Lead toxicity can come from many places, heavy metals are abundant in our drinking water air and soil, they are present in virtually every area of modern consumerism from construction materials to cosmetics, medicines, processed foods, fuel sources, appliances, personal care products such as hair dyes. It is very difficult for anyone to avoid exposure to any of the many harmful heavy metals that are so prevalent in our environment. While it does not appear that we are going to neutralize the threat of heavy metal toxicity in our communities nor decrease our utilization of the many commercial goods that they help produce we can take steps to understand this threat and put into action policies of prevention and treatment that may help to lessen the negative impact that these agents have on human health.

Since we cannot always see and know what we are being exposed to on a daily basis, it's pretty safe to assume that all of us are exposed to toxic elements to some degree.

Here are some tips to help reduce your exposure.

  • Do not smoke, and avoid secondhand smoke.
  • Eat organically grown, pesticide-free foods whenever possible.
  • Eat foods lower on the food chain.
  • Do not ingest toxic or synthetic substances, including artificial colors in foods.
  • Avoid living or working near hazardous sites such as reclaimed landfills or toxic waste dumps.
  • Seek employment that does not involve contact with chemicals or chemical solvents. Landscapers and pest control companies are examples of industries that are exposed to toxic chemicals on a regular basis.

To reduce toxins that have accumulated in your body:

  • Drink plenty of pure water.
  • Have regular bowel movements - eating a diet with plenty of whole grains and fresh, organic fruits and vegetables can promote healthy digestion. If you are not having regular bowel movements that means your body is harboring even more toxins, which is very dangerous.
  • Breathe clean air deeply. Having a machine to clean the air in your home is a great solution.
  • Sweat - a sauna or steam bath can help to promote sweating.
  • Vigorous exercise can help remove toxins from your body
  • Try oral chelation products that draw toxins out of your body safely and effective

After learning that I had toxic levels of lead in my body, I began Extreme Health's Oral Chelation. After three months on this formulation I am getting better, I feel more energetic and healthier every day. The course of treatment is a minimum of 6 months. You will definitely want to re-test at 6 months to see if you have eliminated the heavy metal. In addition to Oral Chelation I wanted to find another product that would help restore my health. After months of searching I found a product called Vital Nutrition Plus.

In my opinion this is the best product I have ever found. If I were sick and could only choose one supplement to take, it would be
Vital Nutrition Plus. It seems to be the one supplement that I take that I can really tell a difference right after I take it. If I am feeling low on energy, I just take my Vital Nutrition. Because of it's Amazing healing properties it can also help remove toxic heavy metals. In fact, this supplement has so many incredible benefits, they are too vast to list here. Click here to learn more.

Nutritional Supplements to Complement Your Lifestyle
Stay Safe, Well and Happy
Warmest Regards,
Tanya M Beck
Advanced Alternatives Center
PH: 205-664-4222 Toll Free: 1-800-330-3932

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Weight Loss Just Got Easier

Want to lose up to 2 pounds a week?
Are you fed up with Atkins, South Beach Diet and other low carbohydrate starvation diets?

New Product Launch! Slim N Trim with Phase 2 ®

Now losing weight just got easier. No excuses. Simply eat a moderate carbohydrate diet (don’t go crazy on carbs!) and take 2 Slim N Trim capsules twice a day with your meals.

All natural non-stimulant, carbohydrate blocking, white bean extract has been shown to safely block up to 1,000 carbohydrate calories per meal.

What a brilliant idea, block absorption of calories from carbohydrates. Losing weight just can't get any easier than this.

Phase 2® is an amazing, non-stimulant, all-natural nutritional ingredient that is derived from the white kidney bean through a proprietary process. As a starch blocker it is the first nutritional ingredient that has been clinically & scientifically proven to neutralize starch, found in your favorite foods such as potatoes, breads, pasta, rice, corn and crackers.

Phase 2® is a safe yet powerful nutritional ingredient, clinically studied to reduce the absorption of carbohydrate calories. Phase 2® allows you to enjoy those foods that you love without all the calories. It has also shown to reduce body fat (love handles) by 10%.

To Learn more about this amazing starch blocking supplement
click here

Advanced Alternatives Center
Nutritional Supplements to Complement Your Lifestyle
Stay Safe, Well and Happy
Warmest Regards,
Tanya M. Beck
Toll Free:

Sign Up TODAY To Receive Health Information and Valuable Money Saving Coupons

Monday, May 18, 2009

Are you making these probiotic mistakes?

If you've tried probiotic supplements before with the hope of getting adequate amounts of healthy bacteria—but were disappointed—you're not alone. These days, probiotics line the grocery store shelves and are as common as aspirin. They are even being sold in gas stations and convenience stores.

This is absurd! Probiotics are delicate, living organisms that require careful handling to keep them alive. We have heard reports that some probiotics that were tested actually contained less than 1% of the live bacteria than was listed on the label. This basically means, you wasted your money and will likely not get any benefit from it.

If you are taking a high quality probiotic, you should expect to see improvements within two weeks or less. About two months ago I changed my probiotic, now I use Extreme Health’s Probiotic Formula, it contains 120 Billion Microorganisms, with 12 active species. Improvements in health can be seen in as little as 7-10 days. Get your flora balanced with powerful probiotics.
Visit to learn more about this powerful probiotic that can help improve your digestive health.

Advanced Alternatives CenterNutritional Supplements to Complement Your Lifestyle
Stay Safe, Well and Happy
Warmest Regards,
Tanya M. Beck
Sign Up TODAY To Receive Health Information and Valuable Money Saving Coupons

Thursday, May 14, 2009

FYI!!! Read this BEFORE your colonoscopy!

I recently received this information and wanted to share it with you. If you or someone you know is about to have a colonoscopy, this information could save your kidney's, and your life. A class of very commonly prescribed pre-colonscopy drugs can cause permanent, hazardous consequences… The black box warning on colon-cleansing drugs containing sodium phosphate has managed to stay out of the spotlight somehow -- but it's critical information for anyone undergoing a colonoscopy.These drugs (which include Visicol and OsmoPrep) got slapped with the black box warning because they've been linked to permanent kidney damage. This damage is irreparable, and can set you up for a lifetime of dialysis and other complications. Yet, somehow, they've managed to fly under the radar. Until now…Bottom line: If you're getting a colonoscopy, ask your doctor for a different pre-procedure colon cleanser, such as Miralax, Colyte, or TriLyte.

To Your Health
Tanya M Beck

Friday, April 3, 2009

Welcome to Advanced Alternatives Center Blog!

Hi, my name is Tanya Beck, President of Advanced Alternatives Center. Welcome to our health blog. It is my hope that our blog is a place people will come to share their health challenges with others. Whether you leave a comment, respond to a customer inquiry or simply share your personal story, we would love to hear from you.

Today’s consumers are more educated than ever. We get calls daily from new customers telling us they just learned they have arthritis or osteoporosis or maybe Multiple Sclerosis, but they want to find a natural solution to their pain and suffering.

Advanced Alternatives Center has been in business for 12 years offering a distinctive line of supplements to enhance the lives of those suffering. If I can be of assistance please call me toll free at 1-800-330-3932, or
visit our site for health resources.

Warmest Regards,
Tanya M Beck

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Cancer Cells / ACAI Berry / University of Florida

"A University of Florida study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry on Jan 12. 2006 found that Acai berries triggered a self-destruct response in up to 86 percent of leukemia cells tested in vitro. In the current UF study, six different chemical extracts were made from ACAI fruit pulp, and each extract was prepared in seven concentrations. Four of the extracts, were shown to kill significant numbers of leukemia cells when applied for 24 hours. Depending on the extract and concentration, anywhere from about 35 percent to 86 percent of the cells died."

Assistant Professor Stephen Talcott says “This was only a cell-culture model and we don’t want to give anyone false hope. We are encouraged by the findings, however. Compounds that show good activity against cancer cells in a model system are most likely to have beneficial effects in our bodies.” The University will now study the effect of acai antioxidants on healthy human subjects.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Multiple Sclerosis, Your Immune System and Kalawalla

Kalawalla Provides Significant Results Within 2-3 Months! Noticeable Results Can Be Seen Within 30 days!
What is Kalawalla?
The manufacturers of Kalawalla is a company dedicated to research in the bioactive organic and botanical extracts. Thirty years of research have given rise to 2 different products sold for over ten years in Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Kalawalla is sold in those countries under different brand names such as Leucostat, Immunotrax, Bielavin and Difur. These natural extracts are a food supplement with a proven effect in alleviating many illnesses related to the immune system.
Polypodium leucotomos and Phlebodium decumanum are fern plants native to Honduras. They grow exclusively in Honduran jungles over the Palm trees in symbiosis. Through special techniques, Organic Hope has been able to grow and cultivate them under specially controlled conditions. The leaves in the wild can grow up to three feet long.
The ancient Mayans used Polypodium leucotomos (Kalawalla) as part of their daily diet in the form of tea as a blood purifier. They attributed healing properties to the drink and up until today the drink is still popular in Honduran tradition.