Monday, May 18, 2009

Are you making these probiotic mistakes?

If you've tried probiotic supplements before with the hope of getting adequate amounts of healthy bacteria—but were disappointed—you're not alone. These days, probiotics line the grocery store shelves and are as common as aspirin. They are even being sold in gas stations and convenience stores.

This is absurd! Probiotics are delicate, living organisms that require careful handling to keep them alive. We have heard reports that some probiotics that were tested actually contained less than 1% of the live bacteria than was listed on the label. This basically means, you wasted your money and will likely not get any benefit from it.

If you are taking a high quality probiotic, you should expect to see improvements within two weeks or less. About two months ago I changed my probiotic, now I use Extreme Health’s Probiotic Formula, it contains 120 Billion Microorganisms, with 12 active species. Improvements in health can be seen in as little as 7-10 days. Get your flora balanced with powerful probiotics.
Visit to learn more about this powerful probiotic that can help improve your digestive health.

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Warmest Regards,
Tanya M. Beck
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