Thursday, May 14, 2009

FYI!!! Read this BEFORE your colonoscopy!

I recently received this information and wanted to share it with you. If you or someone you know is about to have a colonoscopy, this information could save your kidney's, and your life. A class of very commonly prescribed pre-colonscopy drugs can cause permanent, hazardous consequences… The black box warning on colon-cleansing drugs containing sodium phosphate has managed to stay out of the spotlight somehow -- but it's critical information for anyone undergoing a colonoscopy.These drugs (which include Visicol and OsmoPrep) got slapped with the black box warning because they've been linked to permanent kidney damage. This damage is irreparable, and can set you up for a lifetime of dialysis and other complications. Yet, somehow, they've managed to fly under the radar. Until now…Bottom line: If you're getting a colonoscopy, ask your doctor for a different pre-procedure colon cleanser, such as Miralax, Colyte, or TriLyte.

To Your Health
Tanya M Beck