Thursday, June 4, 2009

Weight Loss Just Got Easier

Want to lose up to 2 pounds a week?
Are you fed up with Atkins, South Beach Diet and other low carbohydrate starvation diets?

New Product Launch! Slim N Trim with Phase 2 ®

Now losing weight just got easier. No excuses. Simply eat a moderate carbohydrate diet (don’t go crazy on carbs!) and take 2 Slim N Trim capsules twice a day with your meals.

All natural non-stimulant, carbohydrate blocking, white bean extract has been shown to safely block up to 1,000 carbohydrate calories per meal.

What a brilliant idea, block absorption of calories from carbohydrates. Losing weight just can't get any easier than this.

Phase 2® is an amazing, non-stimulant, all-natural nutritional ingredient that is derived from the white kidney bean through a proprietary process. As a starch blocker it is the first nutritional ingredient that has been clinically & scientifically proven to neutralize starch, found in your favorite foods such as potatoes, breads, pasta, rice, corn and crackers.

Phase 2® is a safe yet powerful nutritional ingredient, clinically studied to reduce the absorption of carbohydrate calories. Phase 2® allows you to enjoy those foods that you love without all the calories. It has also shown to reduce body fat (love handles) by 10%.

To Learn more about this amazing starch blocking supplement
click here

Advanced Alternatives Center
Nutritional Supplements to Complement Your Lifestyle
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Warmest Regards,
Tanya M. Beck
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